Woman Unleashed

Breaking free of centuries of societal roles and learning to stop defining ourselves by the things we DO. God created women as human "be"-ings. When we learn to let go of our control, we free the woman inside our souls, the amazing, gifted woman God created us to BE.

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Friday, March 31, 2006

Chasing After Christ

A Christian woman I greatly respect, who's walked with the Lord for decades longer than I have, is going through a funk. I think we all go through those downtimes in our walk with the Lord, when we feel like we're forcing our feet through desperately sticky mud in our walk down the straight and narrow.

She said to me, "I'm tired of constantly trying to be where the Lord is working. It's been so long since I really felt the excitement of Him working where I am."

That made me wonder... Does she realize that the Lord is always working right next to us? If I asked her, I'm sure she'd say yes, yet I think she's missing the passionate heart of the Lord.

I feel Him right here next to me so often. I can just let go of my worries and fall into His arms. He's working right here in me and through me. I know He's working wonders in other places too. I have friends who worship at churches where He's dramatically moving hearts and changing lives, but I don't feel a need to physically be in those places.

Perhaps it's just me, but the most important chase is the one in my heart. I've felt such excitement for the Lord every day lately that I feel His presence constantly. I chase the kids, wash the laundry, homeschool, write, and yet He's next to me the whole time. I often don't get a decent prayer time, but I can talk to Him at any moment.

He wants ME! Wow! He's chasing after my heart, the one I gave to Him at my baptism, and He loves me passionately. I don't chase after Him at another church, because I'm where I'm supposed to be. But, I don't have to chase, because He's already searched me out, won my soul, and lives with me.

Every day isn't like this, but on those off days, I know that it isn't His fault. He's still here. It's me.

I know a lot of people who chase after the Lord by moving to another place, but the people I want to imitate are the ones who seek the Lord with their hearts and bring the Lord to people around them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read these blogs and I hear about your love for Christ and what He has done for you and your life. Aside from what He has done for you, please tell me 3 things that attract you to Jesus Christ. What has he done through out the bible that convince you that you must chase after him?

10:39 AM  

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