Under the Arm, Next to the Heart

"Behind every good man is a good woman," goes an old saying. Serita Ann Jakes changed rewrote the saying in her book Beside Every Good Man. Her version says, "Beside every good man is a good woman." And she's right.
God created us to be at a man's side. "And the Lord caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept...Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man He made into a woman." (Genesis 2:21-22) The rib isn't dragged behind a man by a chain. It isn't even located in the pelvis or some other area at a man's back. Ribs go under the arm and over the heart. God created women to live there.
When we are hugged by our husbands (who are usually taller than us), we are under their arms and over their hearts, like a rib. We rest in a place of security and love. Our heart lies next to his, and we are both next to and under our husbands. It's a position of mutual adoration,love, and peace. No one's insulted, no one's demeaned, and no one's oppressed.
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