Woman Unleashed

Breaking free of centuries of societal roles and learning to stop defining ourselves by the things we DO. God created women as human "be"-ings. When we learn to let go of our control, we free the woman inside our souls, the amazing, gifted woman God created us to BE.

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Location: United States

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Gaining Equality or Serving Dreams

Many feminists have written that femininity is an oppressive social construct created by men. They believe that if women throw off the chains of femininity, then they will be equal with men.

I believe that God places things in our hearts. I belive it's a joy to be feminine (and try not to use it to manipulate). Although I love jeans most of the time, every once in a while I love dressing up and going out girly. I don't find it oppressive to be beautiful and seen as attractive.

What makes me equal to my husband is not my brain (his IQ is higher), my education (I have a master's degree, he has an associates), my beauty (no need to compare myself to my husband there ;-)), my strength (he's way stronger), or any other physical or mental attribute. My husband and I are different from each other and from every other person on the planet.

What makes us equal is that we're both humans created by God. We're both beings of equal worth. We both have equally important goals and dreams. We work together to help each other follow our dreams.

My dreams have changed, because of the responsibilities of marriage and family. My husband encourages and sometimes even forces me to chase after my dreams when I want to give up. We both had to pray through our dreams and agree on them together.

My biggest dream is to make a difference in a lot of people's lives, in some way that hasn't happened yet. My husband's dream is to become a priest. We're working together to get him through seminary. We're working together to make my stay-at-home businesses to work.

It isn't what we human beings do that matters. It isn't whether or not my businesses make a lot of money or whether my husband finishes seminary.

It's that we're doing it with the right heart. We love God, and we're working for Him. We're raising our family for Him. I'm writing for Him. Bill is going to seminary for Him. We support each other in our walks towards the Lord and the plan He has for our lives.

Being a woman isn't about having equal power. Being a man isn't about power. Satan was about power when he was an angel who wanted to be like God. Adam and Eve sought power when they ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. I don't want to be like them.

I want to be like the Christ who served and died and rose to the right hand of the Father. I want to be a servant of God.


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