Woman Unleashed

Breaking free of centuries of societal roles and learning to stop defining ourselves by the things we DO. God created women as human "be"-ings. When we learn to let go of our control, we free the woman inside our souls, the amazing, gifted woman God created us to BE.

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Location: United States

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Beginning to Explore the Soul

Who are we, as woman? What are we meant to be? Feminists say that we can be anything a man can be. Some conservative Christians say that women are meant to be submissive (where submission = doormat).

The only answers that matter come from the Bible and from God.

As a woman, I want to be everything I'm meant to be - without sacrificing my purpose, my mission, my family, and my dreams. Some dreams are already gone, or are they? Are my dreams part of who I am to such an extent that they come from who I'm meant to be? Have I misinterpreted my mission and am I waiting for my true calling to appear?

I suspect that this is the case... at least for me.

I have a calling, as do all people, given to me by God. What is it? Let's start by finding out what a women are meant to be - what we are designed to do - what brings us joy - and what life's all about.


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